Our Savior’s Preschool
707 W. Third St. Laurel, MT
59044 (406) 628-4681 or (406) 633-0987 (Mrs. Anna)
Our Savior’s Preschool is sponsored by Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. It is operated for the purpose of providing a Christian environment to aid the child’s development spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially. The preschool is governed by the Preschool Director and the Council of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. The teaching staff is responsible for carrying out policies of the Preschool.
Preschool is available to children who are at least three years of age as of July 1st. The children must be able to use the bathroom independently. The Preschool is operated on a non-discriminatory basis. There will be equal treatment and access to services without regard to race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry.
Beginning Preschool (3 & early 4 year olds) Tue Wed Thu 8:45-11:00AM
Kindergarten-Readiness (4 & 5 year olds) Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu 8:30-11:00AM or Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu 12:30-3:00PM
Children should not arrive at school more than 5 minutes prior to the starting time, and must be picked up promptly after the class ends.
One child Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu Class = $180 per month tuition
One child Tue/Wed/Thu Class = $150 per month tuition
If a family enrolls more than one child, the 2nd child’s tuition is discounted.
A $100 non-refundable Registration Fee, that is not part of the tuition, is required upon enrollment.
Our Savior’s Preschool is a non-profit organization. Fees are payable in advance and due by the 15th of each month. Because the tuition is minimal, deductions will not be made for absences. Tuition checks can be given to the teachers, dropped in the drop box outside the director’s door, or mailed to the church. If paying with cash, please pay with exact amount and DO NOT put it in the tuition box. Please give it to a teacher and obtain a receipt. Make checks payable to: OUR SAVIOR’S PRESCHOOL and please put your child’s full name on the memo line of your check.
When the child is dropped off, the adult will need to bring the child upstairs to the preschool and sign them in on the appropriate sign-in sheet. Children may not be dropped off at the downstairs outside door or in downstairs lobby. Please have your child use the restroom before entering the classroom.
Please list all adults who may be picking up your child on the registration form. If someone else is to pick up your child be sure to give the details to the teacher before class begins. The teacher WILL NOT release your child to a stranger. The Preschool will not be responsible for children left after hours. PLEASE BE PROMPT IN PICKING UP YOUR CHILD.
The Preschool follows the Laurel School District schedule except for Christmas break and release for summer break in May. Notices will be sent home with the children prior to any departure from the regular Laurel School District holiday vacations.
Occasionally, funerals at the church necessitate the canceling of school for a day. The church office will give us as much advance notice as possible so you can plan for unexpected cancellations of school.
We recommend, but do not require a current immunization record. Your child will be required to have current immunizations before starting kindergarten.
Enrollment is encouraged for the full term (September-May). Please notify the teacher if your child will be absent for any period of time. If you need to withdraw your child from the school, please give as much notice as possible and that month’s tuition will be required. If after a period of time, it is felt the child is not ready for Preschool, or if a child exhibits extreme or disruptive behavior, we will require that the child be withdrawn.
Snacks and drinks for each day will be provided by the parents. Parents will be provided with a suggested list and schedule. Healthy snacks are preferred.
The only item your child needs to bring to preschool is a FULL-SIZE backpack with their name on it. It needs to be large enough to hold 9 x 12 paper without being folded. The Preschool will supply all other items.
TEACHERS: Anna Blankenship & Melinda Heimer
AIDES: Lindsey Erickson, Callie Lubinski