Welcome to Our Saviors!


Please feel free to contact us with any question you may have.  

•Mail: 707 W 3rd St Laurel, MT 59044 

•Phone: 406-628-4681   

•Office Administrator Devin DeBoer -   oslclaurelmt@gmail.com

•Preschool Director Anna Blankenship 


A Brief History of Our Savior's Lutheran Church

A small group of twelve families met in 1923 for the purpose of organizing an Evangelical Lutheran Church in Laurel, Mt.  On December 14, 1925 they incorporated under the Laws of Montana as Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.  During the early days of its organization the congregation was served by the Rev. T.S. Stockdal.  The first regularly called pastor was the Rev. Arnold Flaten who became pastor in the summer of 1925.  The congregation met for worship in the old Congregational Church building which was Laurel’s oldest church located on the corner of 2nd Ave and 1st Street.  The congregation worshipped here for 30 years until the building was sold to the Grace Baptist Church in December 1959 because plans were being made to build a new church.   In 1955 under the leadership of Rev. David Larson a square block of land was purchased on the West side of the city.  The last service held in the old church was on December 27, 1959.  Services were conducted in various buildings in Laurel prior to moving into the new church.  At the Annual Meeting of January 1959, the congregation appointed a Building Committee with instructions to begin plans for a new church.  Final plans were presented and adopted by the congregation at a meeting in January 1960.  On March 3, 1960 a ground breaking service was held with Rev. Herbert Strom of Red Lodge as speaker.  Work by the contractor, Gullard and Gerbase, Inc. of Billings, Mt, was begun April 4, 1960, with the structure to be completed by October of that year.  The first service held in the new church was on October 23, 1960 with Rev. Robert D. Giles as the pastor.  A service of Dedication was held on October 30, 1960.  The Rite of Dedication was conducted by Dr. R.A. Daehlin, President of Rocky Mountain District of ELC, and The Altar Service was given by another former pastor, Rev. David Larson.  Pews for the new church were purchased September 11, 1963 to be delivered December 8, 1963.  During the annual meeting of January 1964, plans were discussed on building a new parsonage.  At a special meeting on November 23, 1964 it was decided to build a new parsonage at 320 Seventh Ave. It was completed in March of 1965 and the first family to occupy the new parsonage was Rev.  and  Mrs. Paul Ranum and family.  For many years the Laurel pastor has also served the Joliet, Montana congregation.  We gratefully thank God for what each one did to help build the kingdom of God here, and it is our earnest prayer that each member of our congregation will continue the work of God here, which by his grace, was so faithfully begun over 90 years ago.